
Family law is a great deal like the ocean.
It is highly emotional, extremely volatile and ever changing.
Politicians love to make points with their constituents and are always attempting to "improve" California family law.
There are often many issues involved in domestic situations including: child custody/visitation, payment/receipt of child support, payment/receipt of spousal support, and division/use of community and separate property assets. The laws surrounding these issues directly impact just about every avenue of life and death.
Custody and visitation orders can effect your disposable income, your taxes, where you live, when you work, when and where you vacation. In addition, once a dissolution, or legal separation action is filed an automatic stay is enacted which legally limits your financial options. (For example, you cannot close a checking, savings, or credit card account without the written permission of the other party. Nor can you change the beneficiary of a life insurance or retirement plan.)
Unfortunately, when a relationship is terminating the communication and civility often dissolve along with it. Hopefully, (especially when there are children of that relationship) the parties can put their differences aside and communicate rationally. However, that is not always possible. In those situations, it is necessary to have a third party negotiate the issues. I am an assertive and caring advocate.
Child and Spousal Support
| | Domestic Partner Issues
Domestic Violence Issues
Pre- and Post-Nuptial Agreements
Restraining Orders |

 Divorce, Custody Issues and Information
 Domestic Partner Law
 Family Law Certification
